Heard about this humongous burger on the Kyle & Jackie O show this morning... according to the owner of the shop,
this burger weights 4kg, and contiains:
- 1.5kg of beef pattie (equivalent to about 17 normal burger beef pattie);
- 8 eggs;
- 20 pieces of bacon;
- 9 slices of cheese;
- lot of tomatoes, lettuces, onions, mayo and tomato sauce; and
- all of the above slotted in between 2 slices of 28cm breadroll, specially made for this burger.
According to a nutrionist, this burger contains about
23,000 kilojoules, ie about
3 days worth of energy for the average person... OMG!!!
The burger cost just under AU$40, and if you can finish the burger in an hour's time, you get your money back, but as of todays date, no one has come close to it... yet. Will you dare to give it a try?!
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