Sunday, August 30, 2009

今晚我下廚- 煎三文魚腩

今曰好想食我嘅至愛~ 三文魚,而禁啱老公仔今日又想休息唔煮飯,所以哈哈,就等我下廚煮煎三文魚... (其實,E餐飯全靠老公仔verbally教我,如果冇佢教,效果應該冇gum好)

  • 三文魚腩(x2)
  • 芫茜
  • 白胡椒粉, 鹽 & 橄欖油 (for seasoning)

  1. 三文魚用水冼,然後用紙dry (條魚要保持乾身)
  2. 幫D三文魚抹上適量橄欖油(等D白胡椒粉&鹽易D上條魚)
  3. 加鹽
  4. 加白胡椒粉
  5. 加芫茜
  6. 起鑊(D油一定要夠熱),然後加D三文魚落鑊。每邊魚煎approx一分鐘,然後就可以上碟。

老公仔嘅comment: 第一次煮,算做好,個presentation靚,隻蛋佢好surprised因為佢冇教到我,哈哈.... 佢重話隻蛋好點,cooked just right。


Saturday, August 29, 2009

扮(辦)公室生存之道 - 四大法寶

最近追緊黃子華&佘詩曼做嘅「絕代商驕」(英文名係:"You're Hired"),啱啱睇到E集講關於扮公室嘅生存之道... 哈哈,yup 係"扮公室"而唔係"辦公室"... 點解?睇嘛下低四大法寶你就會明...
  1. hea做 : 積係張D嘢慢慢做... 放鬆D嚟做。
  2. 假度* : 諗idea時,扮諗就得啦。
  3. 虛應 : 虛擬地應同。
  4. 陪笑 : 老板笑,你未部佢笑囉。
* 「度」讀做 "dok"

麥提爽話以上四大法寶只適用於"一般老板"... 如果你有個非一般老板gum點算?哈哈,你自己睇番E集絕代商驕啦。
More about絕代商驕:



但我電腦built-in cam resolution唔高

Weekend 冇嘢做就玩o下啦。

Friday, August 28, 2009

Australia's Biggest Burger @ the Cavendish Cafe, Victoria

Heard about this humongous burger on the Kyle & Jackie O show this morning... according to the owner of the shop, this burger weights 4kg, and contiains:
  • 1.5kg of beef pattie (equivalent to about 17 normal burger beef pattie);
  • 8 eggs;
  • 20 pieces of bacon;
  • 9 slices of cheese;
  • lot of tomatoes, lettuces, onions, mayo and tomato sauce; and
  • all of the above slotted in between 2 slices of 28cm breadroll, specially made for this burger.
According to a nutrionist, this burger contains about 23,000 kilojoules, ie about 3 days worth of energy for the average person... OMG!!!
The burger cost just under AU$40, and if you can finish the burger in an hour's time, you get your money back, but as of todays date, no one has come close to it... yet. Will you dare to give it a try?!
More info and news coverage:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Paper ticket- how rare?!

今曰收到asia miles DHL嚟嘅paper tickets... 嘩!自從有etickets之後都好小見 &用紙機票...

因為今朝啱啱改咗機票(hohoho... 今年生曰一定會好難忘),我會好好gum保存E 張多咗出嚟而又用唔到嘅紙機票.... 可能過多20年後,當再冇airline用紙機票,可能我E張"免費"spare ticket 會升值?!

Sunday, August 23, 2009